The Weybridge Division of the Surrey Beekeepers’ Association covers the area south of the Thames from Egham to Molesey, and down to the outskirts of Woking and Cobham, with Weybridge itself lying near the centre. WBK has around 125 members and is a growing community of beekeepers.

Whether you are a beekeeper new to the area, new to beekeeping or someone just looking for a fun community to join we welcome new members to our current membership of around 135 people.
WBK is a division of Surrey Beekeepers Association, which consists of eight regional divisions; these being Croydon, Epsom, Farnham, Kingston, Guildford, Reigate, Weybridge and Wimbledon.
By joining our division you will get advice, support and practical experience about keeping bees. Annual membership provides you with our own monthly newsletter, membership of the SBKA and the BBKA (British Beekeepers Association), including two beekeeping monthly magazines (Beecraft digital copy and BBKA News) and insurance in case you lose your bees as a result of American or European foul brood diseases, as well as access to a range of equipment to hire including honey extractors, settling tanks and wax extractors.
We hold regular meetings to keep members informed about current practices in beekeeping methods during the winter months, and meetings at various members’ apiaries throughout the summer. We run a Beginners Course each year, with the theory lectures starting in January and moving to hands-on practical sessions in our teaching apiary starting in April. These two linked courses will cover all you need to know to get started with bees.

We also run a Basic Assessment in Beekeeping course; this practical assessment tests the basic skills and knowledge of the craft once you have kept bees for over one year.
If you would like to join, send your full Name, Address and Postcode to: and a digital link will be sent to you.
If you have a problem completing the digital form or require a paper version please email
If you need to contact Weybridge Beekeepers for any other reason please write to either the Chair at or the Secretary at