BBKA Module exams: some important information from the BBKA for new candidates
I know you have been wondering what is going to happen with the Module Exams next year. We are currently in the second wave of Covid and another National lockdown. The experts are not able to say when things might improve but the main body of opinion is that this may not be until a vaccine is available. The Exam Board took the hard decision to cancel all exams and assessments in 2019.
Unfortunately we have no way of knowing what the situation will be next March so the Exam Board has been looking at an alternative solution. Even before Covid-19 the board had been considering the use of online facilities to aid with the delivery of exams. For various reasons, not least suitability and cost, this was not a priority, but events as well as the rapid development of the online invigilation service have opened opportunities for us to consider an invigilation system which will allow candidates to sit the exam in their own home.
The education sector as a whole has had to embrace this technology and it particularly suits our geographically spread cohort. We recognise that we will have candidates who do not have the confidence or computer skills for online exams and we will continue, when possible, to offer the handwritten option albeit at a reduced number of venues.The Board has investigated a number of companies and found the one to offer a suitable service for our needs is called Inspera. Extensive research and trials by the Board resulted in the decision to offer the Module exams online in the Spring. This decision and the financial support needed has been approved by the Trustees. In order to do this successfully, a number of changes will be needed in this first year. I will summarise the main factors and hopefully answer your most immediate questions.
· The exam papers will not change, they will have the same layout and type of questions
· Only online module exams will be available in the Spring 2021. We hope to offer some hand written opportunities in the Autumn but this will depend on the Covid situation.
· We will be sending you the list of transferred module exam entries for your Area and asking you to contact your candidates to find out if they wish to take online modules. If they do not feel able to cope online, their entry will be transferred to November 2021.
· Candidates will be allowed to sit a maximum of 2 modules
· The closing dates for new entries will be January 31st 2021 to allow more time for setting up and training.
· The date for the exams will move to 24th/25th April 2021 – probably 24th April but at this stage we are not ruling out two days. Again this is to allow more time for the preparation.
· Candidates and invigilators will receive training on the system and computer access will be checked beforehand.
· Invigilators for the online modules will be arranged centrally. Please let us know if you are interested in being considered.
We will be keeping you up to date on developments.
Val and Nicky
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Takudzwa Kufa Technical & Operations Director @ GO Superfoods | Board Member| Food Safety & Quality Governance| Technical, Scientific & Regulatory Compliance| Operations Management| Innovation & NPD Delivery| Sustainability & ESG Let’s be clear about Read more…